Foreword ……… Lee, Un-Sunn ……… 5
Introduction ……… Lee, Nan-Hee ……… 7
Who Goes First and Ask for Truthful Reconciliation? ……… Choi, Young-Sil ……… 13
Peace and Unification ……… Kim, Ae-Young ……… 25
Justice and Time, Humane Time ……… Lee, Un-sunn ……… 39
Who is My Family? A Feminist Theological Study of 2016 Global Economy, Family, and Women ……… Lee, Eun-Joo ……… 67
Let the Daughters of Lot Speak out Now ……… Yoon, So-Jung ……… 79
Reuniting Sexuality and Spirituality ……… Kim, Eun-Hye ……… 93
Korean Feminist Theololgies in the Early Movements of KAWT (Korean Association of Women Theologians) ……… Chung, Sook-ja ……… 107
Women’s Leadership in the Book of Esther and Its Complicated Legacy for Korean Church Women ……… Yoo, Yani ……… 127
The Wise and Prophetic Leadership of the Tekoite Woman: A Reading of 2 Samuel 14: 2-20 ……… Park, Hye-Kyung ……… 141
Dancing aroud Lfie: an Asian Woman’s Persective ……… Bae, Hyun-Ju ……… 155
Endnote ……… 175