Preface to Life Flowing through Korean Feminist Theology⦙Eun-Joo Lee ……… 10
A Statement upon the 10th WCC Assembly Issued by KAWT ……… 20
Ⅰ. Life
Korean Feminist Spirituality of the Life-Giving-Mind-and Heart of
Heaven and Earth and the Future of Christian Spirituality:
Korean Feminist Understanding of Life, Justice, and Peace ⦙Un-Sunn Lee ……… 31
Creating a Culture of Reconciliation and Life through
Hanpuri and Hanmafi: A Feminist Theological Interpretation of the
Miyalhalmi Dance in the Bongsan Talchum ⦙Young-Sil Choi ……… 47
A Process Feminist Theological Awareness
for Life-Giving Healing⦙Jin-Sook Kwon ……… 83
Ⅱ. Justice
Blessed are the Troublemakers⦙Yani Yoo ……… 111
Biblical Justice and Women’s Ordination in Korea⦙So-Jung Yoon ……… 125
Justice and Peace of Immigrant Women in Korea⦙Myung-Ok Sung ……… 137
Ⅲ. Peace
Particularity and Universality of Korean Feminist
Theology in Global Age⦙Ae-Young Kim ……… 153
The Current State of Sexual Violence in Korea⦙Boon-Yi Kwak ……… 13
Peace-Spirit Rising in Gangjeong⦙Eun-Joo Lee ……… 201
A brief Herstory of Korean Association of Women Theologians ……… 219